Code of Conduct
Attendees must respect common sense rules for public behavior, personal interaction, common courtesy, and respect for private property. Harassing or offensive behavior will not be tolerated. Metrotham Con reserves the right to revoke, without refund, the membership and badge of any attendee not in compliance with this policy. Persons finding themselves in a situation where they feel their safety is at risk or who become aware of an attendee not in compliance with this policy should immediately locate the nearest member of security or staff member so that the matter can be handled in an expeditious manner.
The Metrotham Con Registration table is located in the lobby hallway of Hall C in the Chattanooga Convention Center. During show hours you can always find a Metrotham Con staff or security team member at the Registration table. Please stop by there if you have any questions or concerns.
Costume Props Policy
No functional props or weapons are allowed at Metrotham Con. Simulated or costume weapons may be allowed as a part of your costume, subject to prior approval by security and compliance with the following:
All costume props and weapons must be inspected daily at the Cosplay Weapon Check table located near the Registration table
All costume props and weapons must conform to state and federal law.
Projectile costume props and weapons must be rendered inoperable.
Functional (real) arrows must have their tips removed and be bundled and zip-tied to a quiver.
Costume swords must be tied to your costume in such a way that they can’t be drawn.
At certain times, due to crowds and safety issues, people in oversized costumes may be asked to leave the Exhibit Hall.
After your costume props have been checked, they will be tagged by security, and you will be given a wristband to wear to designate that your props have been checked.
Security will escort you to the Cosplay Weapon Check for inspection if your costume prop is not tagged.
All costume props and weapons must be inspected daily at the Costume Weapon Check table
If you do not want to have your costume props or weapons inspected or tagged, or if you are not willing to comply with these policies, please do not bring your costume props or weapons to Metrotham Con.
The Costume Props Policy is subject to change. Please be sure to continue to check the Metrotham Con website closer to the event to ensure your costume props comply with the current Costume Props Policy.
Prohibited Items
Alcohol or alcoholic beverages are not allowed inside the Chattanooga Convention Center or at any of our official offsite events. Bag searches may be performed at various entry locations. Wanding and metal detectors may be used at some locations as well. Make sure to leave your drones, helium balloons, helium-filled products, fireworks, handcarts, trolleys, rolling luggage, and pets (excluding service animals) at home. Absolutely no functioning props or weapons are allowed. Only active on-duty police officers may carry firearms within the Convention Center. All other persons are strictly prohibited regardless of license or status.
ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for harassment of any kind including, but not limited to:
offensive verbal comments
physical assault and/or battery
harassing or non-consensual photography or recording
sustained disruption of presentations and other events
bathroom policing
inappropriate physical contact
unwelcome physical attention
sexually explicit, suggestive and/or provocative behavior or signage
hate symbols
in relation to, but not limited to:
national origin
gender identity
gender presentation
sexual orientation
marital status
body size
If a person engages in behavior in violation of this Code of Conduct at any time, Metrotham Con will take prompt action in any form deemed appropriate, including expulsion from the event with no refund. Our policy applies to EVERYONE participating in a Metrotham Con event.
Please note that anyone can report harassment to event staff/security at any time. If someone’s behavior has made you uncomfortable, or if you witness harassment happening to someone else, you should immediately contact event staff/security. If necessary, security or event staff will contact local law enforcement, provide escort, offer a safe place, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment.