With character creation rooted deep in Halo LAN parties, Saturday morning cartoons, and playing dress up, Danielle grew up with an intense love of video games, Dragon Ball Z, and Avatar: the Last Airbender.
Metrotham Con Special Cosplay Guest Announcement: Joining us for MC6 is the incredibly talented grew up with an intense love of video games, Dragon Ball Z, and Avatar: the Last Airbender.
Dipping a toe into the gaming industry, she began by writing freelance game news articles and guides for GameSkinny.com. A nerdy lifestyle and the drive for a fellow community led her to cosplay in 2013, and she now uses multiple mediums to bring her favorite characters to life.
Danielle now bounces between more intensive armor and simpler costumes, depending on what fandom currently piques her interest. She streams most of her creations on Twitch, where she is a partner. Her skillset is centered around armor, props, and weapons, but has been known to undertake a sewing project or two. She creates costumes for brands and games, as well as for fun on her own social sites.
In her spare time she likes to binge the latest pop culture Netflix craze, work through her Steam backlog, find the best places to eat, and sit down with a hot Café Latte (with oat milk) and some good friends.
Photo Credits:
X23 @martinwongphoto
Other Images @davidlovephoto
Morgan Le Foy is a Florida based cosplayer of over 10 years who loves conventions and has guested at 50+ nerd-centric events both domestic and international. She specializes in creating dynamic photo works of her costumes in collaboration with cosplay photographers across the country.
Ginger Oh Snap has been cosplaying for most of her life, thanks to a background in musical theatre, dance, and renaissance faires, She is a self taught maker and entrepreneur. Ginger dedicates her days to creating costumes, performing, promoting geek culture, and pushing for a more inclusive and welcoming cosplay community. When not traveling around the world to conventions and events as a guest and entertainer, she is streaming on Twitch. Ginger loves sharing her passions and knowledge with the community. Ginger is also a burlesque performer and producer, sharing her special brand of shapeshifting nerdlesque at theatres, conventions, and festivals across the U.S. She is best known for her cosplays as the Nuka Cola Girl from Fallout, Sarah from Labyrinth, and as Mary Jane Watson (riding alongside Stan Lee himself), in the 2017 DragonCon parade.
Photo Credits:
Evan Moushon
Photos by DeeBee